CLVAGRO to participate in Expoliva 2019
This year the International Fair of the Olive Oil and Allied Industries, Expoliva, will take place in Jaén from the 15th to the 18th of May. CLVAGRO will have its own stand located within the fairgrounds, in Carpa Cifarelli (external exit from the accreditations stand or entrance from the lower roundabout), in number 21. Although we have been to many editions of Expoliva, this year is particularly exciting because it is the first one where we will be with CLVAGRO, a personal project that has been running for a short time but one which we have put all our effort into in order to offer farmers the service we believe they are waiting for. We invite everyone who is interested in discovering our services to visit us and to discover the advice model that we offer and the crop types we work with. As olive-growing advisors, we cannot miss one of the most important dates in the olive oil sector.
Additionally, we are experts in almonds, whose periods of processing do not coincide with those of olive trees. We are sure we will spend a few interesting days chatting and debating about both crops and all that can be done to get the best performance from them. In addition, we will also have Hidrosoph with us, the leading business in the monitoring of watering using probes, dendrometers, NDVI and weather stations for a better optimisation for the use of water in all kinds of crops. We will be waiting for you at stand number 21 in Carpa Cifarelli from Wednesday to Saturday.