CLVAGRO will be present at the 2nd Technical Conference of Almonds in Caspe
On Thursday, the 4th of April 2019, CLVAGRO will be part of a group of professionals who will arrive in the town of Caspe in Zaragoza to discuss the latest advances and studies related to the growing of almonds. This conference, organised by the CITA (Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria, “Centre for Agricultural Research and Technology”) of Aragón, will focus its efforts on providing more information about relevant aspects such as the varieties of late and extremely late almond blossoming, the vegetable material for different grove systems, the operating costs of the semi-intensive system or the profitability of the system in a SHD. Curro López will focus on the almond irrigate management and the importance of its proper processing in order to get the most out of this crop. The Conference will last for a day and will include the presence of experts from CITA and businesses such as Agromillora.
You must not forget that, although we have spent more than 15 years speaking about almond crops, it is one of the crops that is achieving the most advances and generating better studies, due to the difficulty of its processing in untrained hands and the care required for it to be all that is hoped for from one of the best crops of our farm. We hope all the people interested in learning the new techniques and studies of this type of crop will be there. The conference will end with a seminar regarding the future of the ecological almond and what the points of view are for the future of the Spanish almond within international commerce.
More information here.